The Only Birth Class

That Guarantees Results

Or You Get It

For Free

Yes, you read it right...our offer is risk free to you!

We are so sure that our Strategic Birth Planning Method works that we will refund you 100% of your money back if you encounter ANY options or interventions we didn’t prepare you for during labour & birth!

Write your awesome label here.

Our 100% Money Back Guarantee

At BirthTools, we are absolutely passionate about your birth experience and making informed choices. So much so, that our confidence to prepare you for every twist and turn in labour is so easy and detailed that we guarantee no stone left unturned. 

If you encounter ANY options or interventions we didn’t prepare you for during your labour and birth experience we will refund what you paid promptly!  All we ask is you let us know what we missed so we can make sure to include resources and training about the topic to ensure we prepare future mother's that come our way!

Use the form's that simple.
how our refunds work

our step-by-step process

Contact us after your birth

Use the form below to start the refund process stating what option or intervention you encountered that we missed in the course.

You get you're refund

You will recieve your refund prompty through our third party payment program. This can take a day or two.

Your request lands in our inbox

Within 48 hours someone will contact you to confirm you're money is on it's way back into your pocket.

We update the online class

Thanks to your experience, that we hope was still an empowering and positive birth, we take your feedback and make plans to add it into the class.
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