Unlock the Essential Answers and Game-Changing Alternatives for EVERY Test from Day One

Nobody warns you about how crucial 
early pregnancy decisions are...

Nobody warns you about how crucial 
early pregnancy decisions are...

So why are you waiting 12 weeks?

So why are you waiting 12 weeks?

SWIPE the All-in-One Early Pregnancy Toolkit that paves the way to a
better birth from 4 weeks pregnant to your due date
Walk the yellow brick road to a blissful birth from the moment you get that positive pregnancy test!
For women who have just peed-on-a-stick and are grappling with the "one-size-fits-all" pregnancy roadmap. Unlock the unique options in one click & navigate every crucial test and appointment with ease.”

Walk the yellow brick road to a blissful birth from the moment you get that positive pregnancy test!
For women who have just peed-on-a-stick and are grappling with the "one-size-fits-all" pregnancy roadmap. Unlock the unique options in one click & navigate every crucial test and appointment with ease.”

"This Manual is incredible! I swear it just answered every question I had and the one's I didn't know to ask..I'm OBSESSED and truly grateful that I found your manual. This is the EXACT support I need and have been looking for."
Annie @ 5.5 Weeks Pregnant

Are you celebrating with your
after the Two-Week-Wait?

Over the last 5 years I've had countless women feel safe enough to tell me of they're pregnancy early... 
sometimes as soon as they POAS!

They knew I could lead them in the right direction because
I know the in's and out's of what to do
in those early weeks. 

Many women are told to wait until the 12-week "safe zone" before making any significant decisions,
but this is a big mistake!

Are you celebrating with your
after the Two-Week-Wait?

Over the last 5 years I've had countless women feel safe enough to tell me of they're pregnancy early... 
sometimes as soon as they POAS!

They knew I could lead them in the right direction because
I know the in's and out's of what to do
in those early weeks. 

Many women are told to wait until the 12-week "safe zone" before making any significant decisions,
but this is a big mistake!


crafting a clear plan of what to do next, questions to ask your GP and options for early tests and ultrasounds

the secret to the "public vs private" question and uncovering the hidden options only insiders seem to know

every appointment before you even begin with a detailed outline of what to expect while practically weighing up the pros & cons of EVERY test.
Scouring facebook groups for answers to your questions after you leave your GP with a bunch of referrals you don't understand
Booking the doctor your brother's wife chose even though you have no idea if he even aligns with your birth plan.
The mother who takes in as much as she can during that 10 minute appointment and only thinks of her burning questions as she's walking out!
Immediately crafting a clear plan of what to do next, questions to ask your GP and options for early tests and ultrasounds
AND Scouring facebook groups for answers to your questions after you leave your GP with a bunch of referrals you don't understand
Discovering the secret to the "public vs private" question and uncovering the hidden options only insiders seem to know
COMPARED TO Booking the doctor your brother's wife chose even though you have no idea if he even aligns with your birth plan.
Mastering every appointment before you even begin with a detailed outline of what to expect while practically weighing up the pros & cons of EVERY test.
UNLIKE The mother who takes in as much as she can during that 10 minute appointment and only thinks of her burning questions as she's walking out!

It's essential that you take control now - Don't risk being funneled onto the maternity conveyor belt

It's essential that you take control now - Don't risk being funneled onto the maternity conveyor belt

So after your first GP visit, your now holding a stack of referrals BUT no clear direction on what the hell they're for...?

In a society where pregnancy is shrouded in secrecy until the 12-week "safe zone,"
you're probably:
Depending on online forums and your GP's singular perspective because you haven't "spilled the beans" to the world
Feeling pressured to undergo tests without clarity on their necessity or potential alternatives.
Over the the lack of guidance and  one-sided opinions for your first trimester!

navigating your pregnancy
ahead of the crowd

Envision navigating your pregnancy
ahead of the crowd

Just because no one knows you're pregnant doesn't mean you can't start making crucial decisions for yourself and your baby now!

Imagine a revolutionary system that allows you to start making informed decisions about your tests, ultrasounds, and prenatal care from day one, so you can plan for a better birth.
Just because no one knows you're pregnant doesn't mean you can't start making crucial decisions for yourself and your baby now!

Imagine a revolutionary system that allows you to start making informed decisions about your tests, ultrasounds, and prenatal care from day one, so you can plan for a better birth.




The Missing Manual

The Step-By-Step Pregnancy Guide

The ONLY All-in-One Early Pregnancy Toolkit
that empowers you to make crucial decisions as soon as you peed-on-a-stick!

Our ultimate step-by-step program is for women at ANY stage of their pregnancy who want to confidently choose their birth team, care options, and stay informed from the get-go!

I've taken everything I've learned from my years working with the maternity system that has helped countless women find enjoyable pregnancies and empowering births.

In my extraordinary mini-guide, you'll gain the essential insights to choose your birth team, care, and location with confidence.

Don't wait—start planning now to ensure the best care and an amazing birth experience before it's too late!

"Jade's manual  is so clear and easy to follow. I just flicked to what week I was & got started. This guide is fantastic as it helped me get onto the exclusive local midwife program before I missed out!"
Chloe @ 9 Weeks Pregnant

What's Covered?

The Missing Manual

The Step-By-Step Pregnancy Guide

This mini-guide is broken into three snackable takeaways with video tutorials & downloadable goodness!

Your First Trimester Blueprint

Your First Trimester Blueprint

Navigating the early stages of pregnancy can be confusing and overwhelming, especially when you don't have enough information from your GP. 

Instantly gain clear understanding of necessary steps, questions to ask your GP, and options for early tests and ultrasounds. Flick to your "week" and get confident that you know what to expect next!

Public vs. Private -
Making the Decision

Public vs. Private -
Making the Decision

Feeling pressured to choose a hospital without enough information and worrying about securing a midwife in time can be incredibly stressful. 

That's why I've revealed hidden options, unveiled birth statistics, so you can start early inquiries into the best birth programs. Gain reassurance that you're getting the best care for your journey and not someone else's!

Planning Your Pregnancy Journey

Planning Your Pregnancy Journey

Most women continue their pregnancy with lots of surprises as they walk in thier appointments and are blindsided with expectations and random testing. This isn't going to be your journey as you will be well aware of the ins and outs of every appointment, the pros and cons of each test, and receive free birthing tips from our weekly email blasts!

When you sign up today

You'll Get These Bonuses

Bonus #1

Comprehensive Maternity Roadmap

The 7 Options Explained

A carefully crafted downloadable booklet revealing the seven options available (some you've heard & some you haven't)! Easily peruse each option, access pathways, birth support structures, and crucial stats to make sure where you birth aligns with your intentions. An invaluable guide to navigate your maternity care choices with confidence and ease.

Bonus #2

Unlocking The Doula Advantage

Real Couples Share Their Stories

A heartfelt resource featuring inspiring stories from mothers who have experienced misscarriage and stillbirth. Providing comfort and essential insights during one of life's most difficult times. Gain emotional support, practical advice, and information on free services available to help you navigate this journey with compassion and care. This unique guide brings together voices and resources that often go unheard, ensuring you don’t feel alone.

Bonus #3

Healing Hearts

Comforting Stories and Help After Baby Loss

A heartfelt resource featuring inspiring stories from mothers who have experienced miscarriage and stillbirth. This treasure test provides comfort and "what to expect" for those experiencing this incredibly difficult time. Gain emotional support, practical advice, and information on free services available to help you navigate this journey with compassion and care. This toolkit brings together voices and help that often go unheard, ensuring you don’t feel alone.

You'll get The Missing Manual
 these bonuses for  just $25

Ultimate Guide To Early Pregnancy

#needed | #informative | #better than my GP | #worth it | #saved me

I haven't announced my pregnancy yet, but I needed some questions answered. Like when do I get my first scan? This mini course gave me way more information that I expected and I can't wait to do the birth course later.
I didn't know that you you had to apply with the hospital early if you wanted to get on the midwife program. Thank goodness I bought the course because now I am in!
I am 20 weeks now and I still refer to the week by week timeline before each appointment! My GP doesn't even inform me as much as this download does. Thank you Birthtools!

Hi, I'm Jade van Dijk!

My journey to serve women began after taking control of my birth experience with the right support and evidence based resources. I birthed my twins vaginally in a hospital, 1.5 hours apart, at 40 weeks!

This experience ignited my passion for supporting expectant mothers through labor as a birth doula.

My mission is simple!
 I want to help mothers value themselves and demand the birth experience they truly deserve.
 Give women the tools I've used over years of being a doula so women can change their birth stories for the better.

I've witnessed first hand that a positive birth experience isn't a matter of chance but stems from informed choices and proactive decision-making. My approach isn't about pushing my own agenda; it's about empowering women to define and achieve their ideal birth.

Together, let's embark on this transformative journey towards a birth experience you'll cherish forever.
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